At CGEAR, we like to think of ourselves as serious outdoor enthusiasts. Our products are made for those who appreciate all that nature has to offer: the smell of wild grass, the sound of a gentle breeze drifting across treetops, watching the warm glow of sunset stretch across a valley...
We understand that life outdoors can have its downsides. Worrying about sand, dirt, grit and grime doesn't have to be one of them. Why not be just as comfortable sprawled out under the stars as you would be home on the sofa?

We want every part of the outdoors to be enjoyed, not endured. With a simple sweep of the hand, sand filters through two layers under the mat - where it stays. From sea level to serious altitude - whatever adventure you have in store - you can always make yourself at home on a CGear mat.
As with many of the best adventures, we haven’t ended up where we first began. 15 years ago, our original product was developed as a safe landing mat for military and civilian helicopters. CGEAR’s sand-free technology shielded against dust and grit in some of the world’s most unforgiving environments. These mats turned dry, rugged ground into a smooth and stable landing spot.
As the company grew, we realized the potential of our sand-free mat to transform the outdoor experience.

Today, CGEAR exists to bring home-inspired comfort to nature lovers. As campers, surfers, hikers and picnickers, we know sand and dirt clings to everything, often following you home. Our unique patented dual-layer technology can be trusted to provide protection from nature’s rougher side. CGear brings indoor comfort outdoors.